With a noteworthy focus on church organization, the Apostle Paul tells us in his first letter to Timothy, his protégé and whom he refers to as his “son,” that he wants the worship of the church to be orderly and therefore glorifying to God. He provides detailed descriptions on the qualifications of both elders and deacons and how these leaders are to function.

Paul’s letter is also noteworthy for its warning against false teachers and false doctrine and its focus on teaching sound doctrine. This includes the affirmation of the salvation of grace, Christ as the one Mediator between God and man, and the substitutionary atonement of Christ.

Lastly, included in Paul’s instructions to Timothy is his commentary on the role of women, principles regarding finances, and the practice of forbearance. Paul concludes his letter to Timothy with an exhortation to “fight the good fight of faith” and remain true to his calling.


current evening sermon series: 1 peter

In this first of two letters, Peter “writes to encourage persecuted and bewildered Christians and to exhort them to stand fast in their faith. To that end, he repeatedly turns their thoughts to the joys and glories of their inheritance and instructs them about proper Christian behavior in the midst of unjust suffering.

While addressed primarily to persecuted Christians, the principles Peter teaches apply to all suffering, regardless of the cause, provided it is not occasioned by one’s own sin. On the basis of this epistle, Peter has, with justice, been called ‘the apostle of hope.’

The central exhortation of the entire epistle can be summed up in the phrase ‘trust and obey.’”*

*From the Reformation Study Bible (ESV), R.C. Sproul

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